Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Copper Mare

I have two horses, both chestnuts.  The pony is probably some sort of Haflinger cross but people love to guess what his breeding is.  I have heard guesses ranging from Icelandic pony to Andalusian.  While I don't know for sure what his parents were, I am about 99.999% sure he is no Andalusian.  I do know he is the coolest pony I've ever met.

My Quarter horse mare is a retired school horse from Meredith Manor.  Her name is Sweet Pea and she has the most amazing chestnut coat.  In the summer, when she sheds out and is all cleaned up she is almost metallic.  She is my copper mare.

I met Sweet Pea when I began taking public lessons at Meredith Manor.  A few years later I enrolled at the manor, went through the teaching program and taught lessons myself with Sweet Pea.  Not long after I graduated, Sweet Pea retired from her long career as an oldie-goldie extrordinaire and came to live with me.  She is spoiled rotten.  I think she deserves it after teaching hundreds of people to ride.

This blog isn't really about my horses though.  I am an equine artist and they help keep me inspired.

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